
Step 3: Setting Sending Methods and Priority

You need to select your Sending Methods and Priority before sending the messages. You can select a mixture of sending methods such as the traditional methods of SMS, Emails, Text2Voice or via modern Social media methods of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
You can Edit the message for each sending methods. For example: Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters whereas Facebook and Email messages have no character limit.
Step 3: Setting Sending Methods and Priority

Help Video

1. Help Video
This Help Video will show you in more details how to select the Sending Methods and setting the Sending Priority.

Message Priority Selection

2. Message Priority Selection
Choose the priority in which you want the message to be sent to your contacts.
For example: When you have SMS set as 1, Email set as 2 and Text2Voice set as 3 - If you have a contact that has no Mobile number but does have an Email address, they will be sent an Email message instead, If you have a contact with no Mobile number and no Email address but does have a landline number, they will be sent a Text2Voice message to their landline instead.

Enable SMS

3. Enable SMS
This check box is checked by default. Checking this box will enable sending messages via SMS to your selected contacts. If your contacts do not have mobile numbers, they won't receive a message unless you have another sending method set as second priority to send to.

Edit SMS Message

4. Edit SMS Message
Want to change your SMS message content so it is different from the Message Text above? Click this button to make the change.

Enable EMail

5. Enable EMail
Checking this box will enable sending messages via Email to your selected contacts. Once this box is checked, make sure that the priority for it is set correctly.

Edit Email Message

6. Edit Email Message
Want to change your Email message content so it is different from the Message Text above? Click this button to make the change. You will be able to set an Email subject in here.

Enable Text2Voice

7. Enable Text2Voice
Checking this box will enable sending messages via Text2Voice to your selected contacts. Once this box is checked, make sure that the priority for it is set correctly.

Edit Text2Voice Message

8. Edit Text2Voice Message
Want to change your Text2Voice message content so it is different from the Message Text above? Click this button to make the change.

Enable Facebook

9. Enable Facebook
Checking this box will allow you to post the message above to your Facebook Wall, Groups and Pages. If this box is greyed out, this mean that you have yet to connect your Facebook account to your OutReach account. You can do so by going to Settings > Social Media > Connect Facebook

Edit Facebook Message

10. Edit Facebook Message
Want to change your Facebook message content so it is different from the Message Text above? Click this button to make the change.

Enable LinkedIn

11. Enable LinkedIn
Checking this box will allow you to post the message above to your LinkedIn account and associated Groups. If this box is greyed out, this mean that you have yet to connect your LinkedIn account to your OutReach account. You can do so by going to Settings > Social Media > Connect LinkedIn

Edit LinkedIn Message

12. Edit LinkedIn Message
Want to change your LinkedIn message content so it is different from the Message Text above? Click this button to make the change.

Enable Twitter

13. Enable Twitter
Checking this box will allow you to post the message above to your Twitter account. If this box is greyed out, this mean that you have yet to connect your Twitter account to your OutReach account. You can do so by going to Settings > Social Media > Connect Twitter

Edit Twitter Message

14. Edit Twitter Message
Want to change your Twitter message content so it is different from the Message Text above? Click this button to make the change. Don't forget that there is a 140 character limit for Twitter messages.

Undo Message Edit

15. Undo Message Edit

If you want to Undo all message edits that you have made to each Contact Methods, simply click this button.
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