
Create a New Message

To Create a new message to send to your Parents, Staff, Students or Custom Contacts, just follow the steps below from 1 to 4.
There are help videos available on this screen that can walk you through the sending process in more detail so just click on the Help Video icon and watch the video.
Create a New Message

Select Contacts

1. Select Contacts
Select Contacts from your phone books to send to. You can choose to send to individual contacts or whole groups. See more details here.

Create Message Text

2. Create Message Text
Write your message here. You can choose from a list of pre-prepared templates or write your own. See more details here.

Add Attachments

3. Add Attachments
You can add an attachment into your message by uploading a new file or use a previously uploaded file. See more details here.

Setting Sending Methods

and Priority

4. Setting Sending Methods
and Priority
You can set the preferred Sending Methods and Sending Priority here. See more details here.

Message Review

5. Message Review
Review the message before sending.
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